And Its a demo?
Eh, whatever suits you =P
The beginning is very trippy. The FX mae me very happy. The voice in the backround just sounds kind of dead though, like its flat, y'now? Meh, it doesn't sound bad though.
As good as the beginning was, it was not really full, hm? Maybe a dark distorted pad in the backround.. yeah, that'd work =D
When you broke into the melody, I was like, 'well, that was awkward'. Then the drums jumped in and the track got really good =)
No real complaints on the drum work, it works very well =D But, I feel as if the synths and your bass is lacking low frequencies... I'll have to download this to check, as well as listen to this in my own time =)
So, all in all, this is a HOT track! It was really hard to nit pick at =D Try to work on making the drums a little diverse, you know? Afew awesome drum breaks here and there couldn't hurt =)
Great work! Keep it up! Check out my music sometime?