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FALL BACK! ~187~

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Author Comments

OAH SHIT! been away for like a week makin this banga! holla, review vote ^UP^ ~holla~

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It sounds like you worked hard on it. Dis shit hot. Wordup. lol Im mad how you able to come up with melodies so easy n shit. Im have a hard ass time trynna make melodies now. I guess i need to take a break on FL for a while. Tight Shit.


BeAtBrEaKeR187 responds:

man i couldnt come up wid fuck all for like a week man, then this just hit me, collab wimme man!

~holla atcha boi~


. on da real dats some hard as shit right there like Stl said dont worry bout these fuckin haters. this shit is hot. all yo shit is hot

BeAtBrEaKeR187 responds:

thanks bruv


Nice job.

Hot shit man. Keep up the good work. NG is pretty much dead, but you keep the spirit alive homie. Keep doin' your thing.

You did real good on this one. The drum pattern carries the song, and the melody brings it all together. I can tell you worked hard on it. Just keep doin' you, regardless of the haters.

Real muthafuckin' talk.

BeAtBrEaKeR187 responds:

yeh man thanks fuck these haters man, they cant stop our shine

~holla atcha boi~

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Jun 9, 2006
5:07 PM EDT
File Info
1.9 MB
2 min 2 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.