Dearest Eon, Permission to use this song for an audiobook?
Used a whole bunch of samples for this one, including a vocal I recorded at college!
Dearest Eon, Permission to use this song for an audiobook?
Oh wow this one is from YOU!
I just found this one song out of a million songs from you. from YOUR NGAP Radio Player and i saved this song before i even saw it was made by you. LOL Great song man i liked it :)
PS: I actually use the NGAP Radio everyday only when im drawing just to hear new things and save them.
its is just amazeing anyway i have knocked it up by 0.02
that is crazy
I like that song. That guitar solo in the back ground was extreemly in place. Infact this song couldent have been better aswell.
I think the the only reason some of your songs arent in the top 5 is because the top people keep voting them down.
your exellent keep it up
S'like a good song with unexpected prezzies
Got quite a lot of the better features of chart moosak, like the repeated voice layer and stuff, but enough variety to make it different and some really smooth build-ups.
Also, a few unexpected chords in there really kept me listenin'.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.