Same preset 0:08 Tmm43
A good old fast-paced action-packed DnB track!
Same preset 0:08 Tmm43
Amazing driving and tripping track
Firstly loved the intro with the samples used very well to give atmosphere. From there it continues to build into some nice acid territory which really laces together so well and drives you on till the edge.
I noticed that the snears are a bit too harsh especially towards the end, maybe a cleaner sound would be nice. Otherwise the production is top notch.
Very good track especially as it builds and gets nice and complex.
that was mad
you should really start recording your own voices.
But aside from that you make the fastest hard pulsing songs with sweet drums that ive found on newgrounds.
keep it up.
you have a new fan
aghhhh fl samples!
138 in progress, and that string that always plays! aside from that, a good fast paced dnb!
Alright. I've heard that "We have a 138 in progress" thing so many times on website templates. I'm going to have to down Originality on that. In my opinion I think that is just annoying throughout the song. I'm not to fond of countdowns either, but since that part wasn't that annoying, I think that could stay. You've got talent with beats man. I don't think you need a 138 in progress for the song to be good.
Keep it up.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.