this guy below is a total retard u have good flow and the beat is catchy and mixed well keep on making songs your doing good!
Six months ago, I dropped my last song.
I am back again after being six months clean of drugs, and now over one month clean of alcohol.
I am finally feeling like myself again, better than I ever have before - This song is nothing compared to my previous works.. But the gears are in motion, keep your eyes peeled for new releases coming from me!
this guy below is a total retard u have good flow and the beat is catchy and mixed well keep on making songs your doing good!
Thank you brother - I do what I can, lately music has not been a priority like it was back in 2011 and the beginning of 2012. I feel as though I continue to improve in different ways though I am experimenting with different balances in music.
Thank you for the feedback, it is appreciated.
Sounds like jon lajoie. Good job! Are you jon lajoie? lolol jj
Francis Mastif's Theme Song! I finally Found it NICE
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.