Very good stuff. I'm guessing you like Elder Scrolls?
A small Music Box loop. It was stuck in my head and there wasn't much else I could add, especially with the limitations of using the demo version of FL Studio, so I decided to just make it a small loop.
Very good stuff. I'm guessing you like Elder Scrolls?
It does rather sound like that, doesn't it ^^; Purely coincidental.
Cool! What bell is that? I also use the demo version. There is actually a bunch of stuff you can do believe it or not. You can check out my stuff, all on demo.
I believe it's the clockwork bell used in Ogun. I know there's plenty I can do, but I can't really save, and I don't live on my own or have my own computer. I'm afraid that my progress will be erased if I ever left it open.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.