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~AZ~ Videogame Quest

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Author Comments

YouTube Release Date: August 2, 2012 - 2:57 PM

"AdamZ is back with another videogame-like song! An upbeat and relaxing song, the end of a hero's journey! While composing this I was thinking of a 2D videogame full of adventure! This song would be perfect for an ending sequence, it has the feel of a happy ending wrapped up in a bundle of sunshine after a big adventure has been completed (thanks crystalofchaos! Your comment is the best way to describe the song!) Enjoy~"

YouTube channel (a lot of bonus stuff): youtube(dot)com/user/AdamCorporation

Website (even more bonus stuff): adamcorp(dot)knossus(dot)net

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Very nice! It just has the feel of a happy ending and everything being all wrapped up in a bundle of sunshine after a big adventure has been completed. All in all it was a pleasure to listen too, the perfect balance between upbeat and mellow. It'd make an epic credit sequence track.

AdamCorporation responds:

Thanks! I really like the way you described the "feel" of the song, you really got what I wanted to express!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Oct 7, 2012
2:46 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
8 MB
3 min 31 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.