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This is a BONUS track on the promo tape entitled, Memories, which is a bunch of music ranging from 3 years ago...to now.
Damn....so many memories and emotions with this song. The day I heard "Hate Sleeping Alone" by Drake was the day before my birthday...which is also a week after I found out my ex played me and had another dude on the side. The original song is pretty much the anthem for the end of 2011, in a nutshell. Writing this was a reflection of that time period because I wrote this around April or March of this year. EVERY single line has such a powerful memory for me. It mixes in the lonely nights waiting for her to call/text back, and our 90% - 10% relationship in general. Just listen. I put alot out there with this song.
That's my memory.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.