Pretty nice song. I like how you gradually added in more instruments, and when I say gradually, I mean rising in volume. The song was a little repetitive, but I think you got away with it. One thing I noticed that could be done better is some smoother transitions. At 2:00, it worked, but I think it would have been cooler if it faded out the instruments while the new melody played. I'm not sure if that would change the nature of the song or not, but I think it would just give off an awesome feeling if you did that. The part that starts at 3:01 I think may have been a bad idea only because you dropped the songs beat enough at 2:00, from there you should only be going up. Maybe really surprise the listener with a drum fill and a full final chorus to finish it all off! The instrumentation is good, the mix is actually very good! The bass instruments were actually my favorite, I didn't really notice them at first, but they are very good. I think the song would also benefit from a mood change. Try going into different motifs or changing keys. Change the chord progression from this happy melody, to something dark. The song feels a little repetitive for this reason, there isn't much of a build so it needs to rely on different moods.
So overall, structurally, it was decent. In terms of changing up the melody, it did alright. It was a little repetitive, but there were enough melodies changing where it wasn't. Try adding some different chord progressions to change the mood of the song. And try and work on some transitions, I think you can improve on this song for sure!
Also if you could check out my newest song "Stranded" and give feedback that would be great!
4/5 rating