Nicely done overall. I think the xylophone part might have been better with a piano. Personal taste though.
I really liked how my song 'Leaves of Yggradsil' turned out, so I made this one in a similar fashion and style. I based the song on the current weather and the fact that there have been many clear nights where I live recently, making it easy to spot the different constellations and stars.
Just sit back, relax, now...try to imagine a clear night sky painted with all of the shining specks of light up there. Taking a deep breath of the crisp Autumn air and looking up into the night. It's really a fascinating notion isn't it?
I should add that this was influenced substantially by many fantasy games, but one in particular: Baten Kaitos Origins. I just LOVE Motoi Sakuraba's work.
Nicely done overall. I think the xylophone part might have been better with a piano. Personal taste though.
Thank you! It's funny you say that because at the last minute I replaced the piano with the xylophone... looking back on it I'm wondering if perhaps that was a mistake lol! :D
Give it a shot then. Worst thing that can happen is you getting denied, right!? Good luck.
You're absolutely right about that! In fact, just a few days ago I submitted some of my pieces to a game company that is hiring. I'm crossing my fingers! :D
seeing how much video game music you create I'm curious have you ever submitted your art to a gaming company to see if they would hire you as a composer?
Actually I haven't. One would think that I would try this (as you have) though I'm a little apprehensive because I'm afraid that I won't make it anywhere. However...if I don't try, I'll never get anywhere right? Perhaps it's time I gave it a shot. :)
Typically I don't dig music this slow and laid back, but the ambiance in this track was crazy awesome. Was happily surprised at how much I liked it.
Thanks a bunch man, I really appreciate it! I'm glad you liked it! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.