Cool song!
Added voice samples, compliments of my girlfriend, to the theme. Still a WIP, and any tips would be helpful.
Original description on the theme:
So, my girlfriend asked me to make a theme for her original character, Sarah, who's a ghost girl that steals happiness from others to find the happiness she never had when she was alive. I've tried to make it both dark, yet light sounding at the same time, to give an eerie feel to it.
Her story is that she was horribly bullied all her life and never really felt happiness. One day she got so sick of being bullied she hung herself at her school so everybody could see what they did to her. As a ghost, she swore to find the happiness she never got, so she steals the happiness from bullies. kind of like she's avenging kids she finds that are being bullied.The way she acts is basically that she haunts the bullies in a very subtle way and when she decides to act on stealing their happiness (esentially murder) she will knock on their door, begging to come in, and even if they don't answer the door she'll still get in and kill them. She speaks with a very light, quiet, melodic voice.
This is just the rough draft of the theme, made in about 4 hours, with the only sample used being the thunder, which I got from SoundBible ( 07-Thunder.html). Will be adding more samples, which are in the process of being recorded by my girlfriend.
What does the Newgrounds Community think of it so far?
Cool song!
I think its incredible. :O Lol, the voice samples almost sound like they were from a video game. :)
My only complaint is that it gets pretty quiet at around 1:13... Like... not more quiet, i guess i was just expecting something to start building up for a louder and faster paced song that starts at around 2:08? Hmmm... I guess maybe it still works cuz its a theme, but yeah... good job anyways! Would you mind checking out my newest song? Trying to get some opinions on it... :) Thanks, and keep it up!
I thought I already responded to this..oh well. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it! :)
As for the build up issue you pointed out, it is intentional to fit with the character. The subtle haunting is where it gets "quieter" and the swells around 1:24 are her knocking on the bullies door and it builds from there to where it intensifies at 2:08, and she starts stealing the happiness/killing the bullies.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.