Hey, you got a new one up! :)
And it's very nice, too.
It's cool how it seems to 'go somewhere', the little drum track suggests a pulse, the crescendi suggest the coming of a melody line. And then it doesn't happen. I picture some artist, sitting in a desert-type landscape, lots of wind, and he tries to make a song but whenever he comes up with a melody and sings it, it immediately gets taken by the wind and blown out of his memory.
Actually, that might give this tune some more diversity, if you'd add blurry shards of melodies that appear and disappear randomly. I think overall, the background could use some more 'sound static', it will definitely add to the feeling of desolace and give it a tad more spice.
I like that faint snare toward the end as well. I think qua percussion you don't really need to expand.
About our cd thing: I'm working on some remastered versions of the songs so it'll take a while longer before I send it, but eventually I will! In the meantime, I'm working on my next cd "Gospel for dummies". Just so ya know.