damn sexy, a little harsh sounding with the sound. could have used a few different tones in there every now and again. Just my taste however.
After a long time of blah, I finally got something. It's not complete. Which is where you all come in, I'm letting you make your own drum beat or anything that you think can or should be added onto it.
As a base tune, how does it sound? Any constructive criticism? Please leave a comment, and tell me how you feel about it.
Any remixes, please PM me with a link so I can listen to it!
damn sexy, a little harsh sounding with the sound. could have used a few different tones in there every now and again. Just my taste however.
Holy moly, your arps are like candy to my ears. And I really like your bends and slides too - you clearly have mastery over your instruments. The only reason I'm giving this a low review score is because it's clearly incomplete. I'm excited to see a finished piece!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.