ZZZZZzzzz... Oh song over? That was boring. Song REALLY needs more to it. Back to sleep...
You can see the story behind the song by watching the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=RbIG_PvbHtI
If you wish to support me, you can buy some of my music on Bandcamp: http://metalrenardmusic.b andcamp.com
For more music, look for me on Youtube and facebook. I have over 1k subs on Youtube and upload new music there weekly!
ZZZZZzzzz... Oh song over? That was boring. Song REALLY needs more to it. Back to sleep...
Well you seem to be going through all my songs and being purposefully rude/unpleasant. Maybe you've had a bad day and this is the internet so it's everyone's playground so I'm not going to get upset about it. I just wish you'd be a bit more mature and offer real feedback rather than being like that. This is actually one of my most popular songs on Youtube, just FYI.
Anyway, have a nice snooze.
Great song, it sounds like something out of a fighting game level.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.