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My Reel Of Impersonations

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Author Comments

I haven't posted anything in a while…..mostly because i haven't done any voices in a while, recorded or otherwise... but i finally did it. its all impersonations by the way… from solid snake to bruce wayne, and it's still my voice…all the way through.

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Good energy

Some good energy in these I think the space between each new line could be shoter, some good voice works here with lots of variants of voice work and you really seem to know how to make a nice demo, There is some good quality in this demo here with a good reel, so keep making more of these demo reels as they show off your voice work very well.

I think the space between each new line could be shoter


Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Sep 17, 2012
8:26 PM EDT
Voice Demo
File Info
552.7 KB
36 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.