This is awesome!
.... I think my ears just had an orgasm!!! LOVE IT!!!! 5/5
if you like this, please check out my other sites! they have songs that my newgrounds might not. (partialy because im lazy and get tired of uploading the same thing five times in three different formats.)
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This is awesome!
.... I think my ears just had an orgasm!!! LOVE IT!!!! 5/5
Thank you! make sure and clean off your keyboard!
Sick mix. Are you using the Glitch VST by any chance?
why yes i am! thank you for noticing. I have been thinking about trying effectrix, but i really like how well Glitch works. I just pop it into the mixer, and let it's random generator make the effects, and it usually comes out way better than i can program in.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.