All in all this really fucking kicks ass. The drum's could use some touching up, slight variations and such, but nothing there to really bog the tune down at all. Your growls are strong, clear and understandable. That's a damn good thing. Whatever you do there, keep it up. As for cleans, it feels like you either are in a key that's uncomfortable or you are singing more in a nasally sort of tone. By no means is it bad. But there is certainly room for improvement. Maybe focus more on practicing your cleans? The guitars are slightly muffled. They don't quite punch like the could, but this is okay because your tone is spot on. If you're recording in a live situation where you have a mic on your amp this is a simple fix. Just look up some info on microphone placement. It's super simple and will improve the final product tenfold. If you're direct imputing right into your computer (or whatever you record with) you'll want to play some more with the mix. Best advice I can give. Have many people listen to it first. No matter how good a musician you are, someone else can catch what you may miss. But still! Kick ass man!