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Hook: I can't ignore you, your presence too strong.
My psyche couldn't handle it, I wrote this song.
and I grit my teeth when I know you won't hear it.
God damned us all to hell, but let us keep our spirits. x2
- Wasted time and effort, a contemptuous contender.
I surrendered to your splendor and extended my agenda.
I went outta my way to show what was real.
But you just couldn't understand exactly how I feel.
Stealing glances from across the room, you probably know how I do.
I couldn't go a single day without laying eyes on you.
I had to have you, so I tried.
You had to trash me, denied.
I really didn't mind that you didn't like
The person that I was, physically or mental-wise.
But the way you treated me, with no affinity.
Kept me thinking, God damn, we have no symmetry.
I fucking hated that. I got so jaded that
All the cats around me told me, just play it back.
I couldn't stop thinking about you all the time.
and the way you looked at me would break down my design.
Hook: I can't ignore you, your presence too strong.
My psyche couldn't handle it, I wrote this song.
and I grit my teeth when I know you won't hear it.
God damned us all to hell, but let us keep our spirits. x2
- Summer came and went, you drifted from my life.
You lifted from my head, I might've thought about you twice.
It wasn't enough, for me to go crazy.
You made me lazy and I hated all the ladies.
Now I look back and I know that I was wrong.
How could one girl ruin it all, I had to play along.
I'm in love again, this time with my life.
I've been hustlin' and grinding, meeting hunnies left and right.
Now I can't decide whether or not introduce you back into what I used to know,
only if I slow the flow.
I'll have to let you go, you want no part in this.
I want to let you go, I beg your pardon, miss.
What's the hurry? I don't dig you.
But it'd be dope to sit and smoke a blunt with you.
I wanna keep it tight, I hold no grudges.
It's too bad that your picture of me is full of smudges.
Hook: I can't ignore you, your presence too strong.
My psyche couldn't handle it, I wrote this song.
and I grit my teeth when I know you won't hear it.
God damned us all to hell, but let us keep our spirits. x2

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Like the other two reviews said, the main thing you should worry about is the delivery. I like your flow, I like the lyrics. Just give a little bit more feeling when you record your verse and you should be fine. I can imagine you being pretty good with a little more practice. I'll keep an eye out on you.

Good beat choice, too.

Psilolysergicamine responds:

Thank you very much! I appreciate it and will most def work on my delivery!

This isn't bad at all. The lyrics are pretty good, and the flow is on point for the most part. But the hook was kind of week. What's really holding this track back though, is the delivery. You need to get excited when you record, otherwise nobody else can. Definitely a lot of potential here. You just need to work on your delivery, and rehearse more.

Psilolysergicamine responds:

Thanks! I'll keep this in mind. The most helpful words I've been told.

Sounds good dude. Need to sound a little more confident on the mic, but you definitely are going in the right direction. Good lyrics too, bro.

Would have been nice if you'd credited Rama with the beat though. He's a good producer, good choice of beat, sir.

Psilolysergicamine responds:

Ahh thank you for calling me out on that! Can't forget Rama at all, man. Thanks for the advice as well

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Sep 9, 2012
4:21 PM EDT
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 4 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.