we're talking about Sonic, so this is just perfect ;)
Original song: Sonic 2 after boss
ORIGINAL Original song: Sweet Sweet Sweet by Dreams come true...
I finally beat sonic 2 not too long ago. After 12 years of occasionally visiting my grandmothers house to play this game, I wanted to express my satisfaction of beating the game. This is probably my most nostalgic song (at least for m) that I've ever done,.
we're talking about Sonic, so this is just perfect ;)
love it period
I appreciate the review.
awesome! always loved this game, lovely mix!
Thanks man!
Sorry, i accidently voted 4 on the sidebar D:
5/5 stars On this review
Thats okay man. Thanks for the review!
nice job! i love the sonic 2 ending, now that im hearing this song you made its so much awesome!
Thanks for the review :D
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