Geez, i'm beggining to think you're incapable of creating and uploading a song i don't like. Keep up this awesome work, and don't fret, there's a lot of ous who haven't dated yet. -forever alone-
An idea that I took out from my other original song, Abandoned.
Good backround music for breakups.
I don't know that much about breaking up. :3 Since I've never broken up with someone. Or dated someone.
-Forever alone face-
This is short because this is just an idea. ;3
Original. ~FreesiaRose
Geez, i'm beggining to think you're incapable of creating and uploading a song i don't like. Keep up this awesome work, and don't fret, there's a lot of ous who haven't dated yet. -forever alone-
Lol, glad to know that there are a lot that are forever alone, also! Forever alone club! X3
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.