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Sanctuary - KH2 - Trance remix

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Trance remix of Sanctuary from Kingdom hearts 2. This was really fun to make. Instead of doing vocals, i improvised a synth lead instead. Enjoy! btw, the sample of wind howling at the end is a royalty free sample from NASA of the sounds of saturn.

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Nothin like a good'ol trance remix to listen to while relaxing after getting back a crazy all night rave. Good job bro.

On Second Though...

My first listen, I was feeling kinda meh about the song. It felt too bland and boring, but listening to it again, it has this great chill vibe that I actually really like. You don't go overboard with samples and sounds like a lot of "artists" on NG, and what samples you DO have, you use exceptionally well. Great job =D


I really hate trance, but I love Kingdom Hearts. This is ALMOOOOOST worthy, it just needs some sort of bassline instead the obnoxious bass drum you have right now.

def has potential though.

DJJamez responds:

Part of Trance is the "Bass drum" If i changed it, then i would have to almost describe it as a different genre. Not everyone dislikes it, only those who dislike trance. As part of a remix, I needed to have something new. But thank you anyway and btw: I know Kingdom Hearts is freakin legit! lol

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Nov 19, 2011
6:39 PM EST
Video Game
File Info
8.3 MB
6 min 1 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.