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Metal Pie Rough

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Been a little inactive on the metal front lately.
Joined a band, have a radio show, wife, 3 kids, dog, job etc AND stuff. They get all my creative energy.

Today, I caught a break. Wrote a little diddy. Prolly gonna put some lyrics to it tomorrow.

It's a bit rough around the edges too...it was only born today. ANYWAYS, just hoping you don't forget me. haha.

Enjoy fuckers.

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the intro is awesome and its followed by badass riffs,like any other bad man song haha.with some vocals this would be just perfect.
there isnt much to say,your stuff is always good
ill give you 9 so you have an extra motivation to add vocals to this awesomeness haha
aaaaand "bad man fan art" might be drawn soon
i had some comic styled idea i might finish.unless i think it sucks and decide not to haha

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Sweet KUP! Hopefully I get the vocals on this.. My new band takes a toll on my voice. Hopefully sooner than later.

Glad you dig it, and I'm always up for your art. :) Awesome as fuck. :)


Awesome song dude! :D

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thanks man!


ah there you are! cool stuff man, kickass riffage. loving the brutality starting at about 0:47. i like what you did with the drums. feels more vivid than your usual beat. glad to hear you're alive!
how's the radio show going by the way? i've been listening in a bit, and i gotta say, it's pretty damn awesome!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Radio show is snowballing to fuck. We've been recognized as actually mattering. haha, by even the likes of Corey Feldman. (80s teen star now burn out). ish.

Anyways, bro...The band has really opened my eyes to how music needs to feel. This is just an attempt with my limited drum softwares etc. The recordings we have on this site, don't do a live performance justice. We had our first gig 2 weeks ago and destroyed the band we opened for. haha. Good to hear from you, dude. I have some more stuffings, drop B \m/ Thanks for always being awesome as fuck duder.


It sounds so bad ass LOL! Yes it may sound a bit "rough around the edges" but metal is a rough around the edges genre hehe. Anyways, awesome song. Sounds like it is coming along nicely. Now I want a shredding solo! Jus kidding, I always say that about metal songs. Do what you want with your song LOL. Well, great job anyways! Sounds awesome!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Muchly appreciate the review, and glad you enjoyed it, man. I suck at solos. haha.

Definitely gonna be some vocals. But have to "spice up" the drums too.

Thanks again!

Credits & Info

4.81 / 5.00

Nov 15, 2011
1:49 AM EST
Heavy Metal
File Info
3.3 MB
3 min 38 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.