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NightCrow - The haunted Castle


Author Comments

Hey, i'm NightCrow, i just started producing music/dubstep, and this is my First track, second song (i did a remix of a song, i might upload it later) and well... I'd like to hear some CC to improve my future tracks :) thanks for listening :) Peace out

Edit: I Think i fixed the kicks, the new version is up and playing! ^^

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Good shit

Much better than the other one!

Still gotta let those drums bang out with the wobble sound though.

That might give it more of a live feeling, this song has some great energy (Both of em do) but they're not loud enough. Next one you upload BETTER BE LOUD! XD

All seriousness though, I feel like the only issue is volume, let the other instruments rise with the wobbling sound, they deserve some showcasing too because you have some really interesting things goin on in this song.

Make it louder, Make it bump, make this thing like if you were playing it at a live show.

Make the crowd feel it! :D


really awesome song man ;) keep up good work!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Nov 12, 2011
1:21 PM EST
File Info
9.2 MB
4 min 1 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.