Very impressive
Wow and I thought I have heard it all, these are pretty solid very good stuff indeed. glad to see you have made some success on this.
You already have the variaty down.
2010's compilation of character voices for animation and original projects
Want to contact me for a voice or an audition? You can reach me at:
Unpaid Projects - anime_sonicmega@hotmail.c om
Paid Projects - vo.seanchiplock@hotmail.c om
SKYPE: NGsonicmega
All my demos can be found in one place at: hiplock
Very impressive
Wow and I thought I have heard it all, these are pretty solid very good stuff indeed. glad to see you have made some success on this.
You already have the variaty down.
Simply diverse and amazing! I couldn't even imagine one person doing all these, and a girl voice, for that matter!
You have great range as an artist.
This is just awesome. Your range and diversity is astonishing! Not to mention the acting, haha. One piece of advice I've gathered about demo reels is that the first character on the reel should be close to your natural tone so that the first thing a person hears is a good representation of you as an actor. I can see that this is an older demo reel though and I didn't even get that advice until after my first/only demo so far was completed. And other than that, this was just plain brilliant!
Amazing! Just heard your child book read through reel, you're really good.
I have a question whenever I try doing a voice I hear the main core of my voice and it sounds kinda off whenever I try a voice, can you help.
Actually, many working voiceover artists, ESPECIALLY in the animation and commercial industry, use pretty much their natural tone! A lot of character development is actually based off taking your core voice and making minor adjustments here and there to get unique results. If you really do want to go for someone way outside of the norm, try understanding where you're placing your voice when you speak normally (throat? chest? front or back of mouth?) and change that. Breathing exercises also can help you to get better access to your diaphragm (where the heart of breath control is) and thus unlock more room for your vocals to resonate.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.