I love ducktales
So this song is perfect
Was listening to my favourite video game themes, and was struck with nostalgia :)
Made using Nexus in FL Studio by ear from the original theme.
Hope you enjoy!
**EDIT** (Nov. 7th) - Added a little more backing in the second half, and slight re-workings.
I love ducktales
So this song is perfect
Very Nice!
You certainly don't see many good remixes of this song! This one is great! Although it is from Ducktails, It's giving me a bit of a maplestory feel, too (anyone else feel that?) Great job! this great piece has a spot in my music folder!
I think a lot of people don't really know about the great video game themes used in the past, and certainly would not consider video game music to be anything special. I'm glad you like my remake :) I've never played mapestory, so I am unaware of what the music sounds like. Thanks for downloading :)
Sounds great!
I was slacking off on my essay due tomorrow thinking of how I could distract myself more. I remembered Newgrounds and what do you know! You just happened to have made a new song for me to listen to! I like the song even though I never really played/Heard of Duck Tales.
+Download -Blockbust
Hey, well here you go! Glad to be of service and help you procrastinate that essay! (But I do hope you did get it done xD )
I myself have never played the game, but I've heard the theme a number of times, so I thought I'd try to use some synthesized guitar and slide it a bit here and there with my standard backing of electronic sounds lol. The instrument in the intro is actually supposed to be a clarinet, but it doesn't sound like one in the final project here lol.
Thanks for another review! >9000 rating, and DL :)
All by ear? Nice!
Nice remix, love the slides throughout some of the notes. Those kind of things are mostly liked in VGM remixes.
One thing though; The main tune in the beginning is low in the biggest part, then all of a sudden 2 notes at the full volume. This sounds a bit weird, don'tcha think?
Thanks for reviewing!
I'm not 100% sure about when you hear these two louder notes, can you give me a time stamp of when it happens so I can fix it? :P Thanks for pointing out your findings though! I made sure that the really high notes in the intro were turned down a LOT because they are REALLY screetchy. The song just goes so high!
Thanks again :)
~ Cat
Duck Tales huh...
I think i've played the game.....
MAN this is some catchy tune.... nostalgia alright!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.