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Winter Battles Hype Track

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Author Comments

Awesome beat by: Task
http://bobiscoo32.newgrou nds.com/

No need for me to say "alright lets go"
theres no need for me to clap my hands
nor say "come on bro" or "imma fuck dat hoe"
i'm not that kinda guy, i havent been lived with that kind of culture
i really dont want to just act a part, i'm not a stylistic vulture
picking of the remains of the rotting corpse of hip-hop.
Chewing on it's brian like it's tiptop nosh. Gosh
i'm not saying hip-hops dead, but i'm hoping i;ve got the silver bullet for it's head
So i can spill it's blood nice and red, bathing in it's vital organs until the poor kids bled
dry, and nobodies getting high. Nobodys gangster as fuck, and nobodys fucking fly.
So you guessed it, i'm a jealous white guy.
Who's sad and alone and insecure about his penis size.

Ah damn, someone get me my pipe. I only smoke tea, i'm talking earl grey.
Oh this is a hype track? I guess hype hype hype, i havent felt so hyped since yesterday.

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hmm... interesting hype sir. Props on the alternative route though, I can dig it.

"i'm not saying hip-hops dead, but i'm hoping i;ve got the silver bullet for it's head" ^ this line is a bit concerning though... why would you want to kill hip hop?

PIED3 responds:

Ha ha i'm just messing. Thanks for reviewing!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Nov 3, 2011
5:25 PM EDT
File Info
1.3 MB
1 min 26 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.