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A Deep Breath {Frozen}

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Author Comments

I'm not sure if this is trance enough for this genre but who needs genres. Rate and review please and check out my other stuff if you got time.

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Genre is actually pretty important :/

Don't get me wrong your submission is nice, but your score definitely went down when I read your description; I myself am a trance artist, and I don't really see how this fits the genre...

This submission fits more in the Misc/ Video Game category imo.

(The Intro 0:00 - 1:00)
Really nice sounds, and I enjoyed the subtle dynamics of this part; everything sounds clean.

(Midpoint 1:01 - 2:00)
Although I did like the subtle note pattern changes here; this part seemed to be lacking in transition department x.x
Your instrumentation seemed to be a bit repetitive here

(Fin 2:00 - end)
still not much change here, seems like this might be more of a loop than a song at this point x.x

Overall this is a cool little tune, kinda reminded me of music that you would hear in Banjo Kazooie; Not bad, but could use some work.


-Review Request Club-

lazy-dave responds:

I'm sorry if I offend you it was not my intention. I wasn't quite sure where to put this and I personally think that opinion plays a small role in genre but I'm glad it was pointed out where it would fit best, so thank you for that. I agree with the repetition, this piece was put together kinda lazily because it was supposed to be collaboration but I never heard back from the other and kinda forgot about it then remembered and just threw some stuff together to finally finish it. Thanks for the review!

Chilling *shivers slightly*

I like the feel presented in this song. it's amazing.

I personally feel like this song would fit a person trapped all alone in a frozen cave wandering around as he is overcome by a cold breeze. An ominous breeze...

He is scared and worried he'll never escape as dangers become a greater possibility every time he turns a corner.

He finds a valuable weapon of unknown origin. He picks it up and wonders "How can I use this? Can I use this?" He tries it out and learns more about how it works.

As he continues his search, he eventually makes his way to a huge icy chamber. The only way out is sealed up as he cautiously approaches.

Suddenly, a huge creature fades in from out of nowhere and silently observes the actions of our wanderer. The creature strikes and the man pulls out his mysterious weapon. The fight is on.

Great piece, I don't know why I wrote the preceding story, it just kind of came to me. Hey, I think I have a basic idea for my TGF 2 contest entry. Thanks, you mind it I use this BTW?

<Review Request Club>

lazy-dave responds:

Wow I love these reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, and I can definitely see how you got this picture and story. Your story kinda reminds of the ice dungeon from Majora's Mask lol. Of course you can use it, that's why it's up here, thanks for asking tho ;) Thanks for the review I appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!


Really slow song, didn't expect that when I read "Trance" in the File Information. But a surpirse is always nice.

I like the slow and pretty cold atmosphere you create with this song. I think the "coldness" is created mostly by the high pitched background melody. As if someone was playing this on icicles, heh. Also, the main melody is so slow as if it is nearly freezing to a motionless tone complex.

Really nice song!

{ Review Request Club }

lazy-dave responds:

Lol I didn't know Trance was supposed to be faster, I guess I just think slow when I think Trance. I felt the same way with the icicles, and I thought it fit well with the cold vibe so I used it, glad you noticed that.
Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it! Glad you enjoyed it!

Video gaming

This sounds like it would make for a very nice snow or freezing cold level in a video game actually. Really enjoy the tone of it and how it feels completely chilled out as well. Very nice work, slow to start up the beat but it gives that cold feel like you need to get somewhere to warm up as well. Not bad at all.

The bass has a nice sound to it and I like how it lingers for a bit after the note is hit. The windy effect here is great and gives the feel of actually kind of being stuck out there in the snow as well trying to find someplace to go inside and get warm so you don't freeze.

The synth has a lighthearted charm to it as if showing you that someone out there cares for your well being and is asking you to come inside so you won't freeze. The drums are light in beat and very nice on the ears.

Overall, nice chilly beat, I enjoy it.

Review Request Club

lazy-dave responds:

Wow quite the analysis there, but I love it! You're pretty much spot on with the feel I wanted to get, you even mentioned things I didn't really think about. Makes me wonder if I should put more thought into some songs. Thanks for the in-depth review, always appreciate them!


Good stuff, loving the bitcrusher sounding thing you've got going.

Have you ever heard any of nav katze's work?

This rather reminds me of his vibe, be it less clubby sounding.

lazy-dave responds:

I haven't heard of them, I'll check them out tho! Thanks for the review wasn't expecting one so soon lol I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Credits & Info

4.60 / 5.00

Oct 27, 2011
4:52 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
3.4 MB
3 min 46 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.