This is a great madness wannabe song, who knows, it might be one, I think so good job!
I originally made this for MadnessDay2011 but upon submitting it, I finally found out you have to "be approved" and that takes 2-3 weeks. Oh you fancy, newgrounds. While you're sipping your tea and discussing minorities, please make more genre options available. Maybe make them more vague, so at least one will f***ing work for me.
But whatever, I've been working on it and now it's exactly 15 million times better. By the end of the song, I had no CPU left. I literally couldn't listen to it unless I exported it to mp3 first. Not that the song's that beast, my computer's just crippled.
If you don't like it, please refrain from telling me. I have a heart condition. (where I don't care about what you think).
This is a great madness wannabe song, who knows, it might be one, I think so good job!
Best use of "Wannabe" I've ever heard.
somebody's gonna die...
the melody of the song makes me think of that time-tried old saying: the s*** is gonna be hitting the fan soon. it really does justice to the Madness series. good work man!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.