Gave it a 5/5
Cause it needed some lovin'
Peace to the gods
Gave it a 5/5
Cause it needed some lovin'
Hell juea man love it longtime lololololol
0:00-0:20 : Dat keyboard :o
0:20-onward: Nice bassline, great percussion. Simple, but chill and relaxed. I like how you kept the keyboard going, and added some ambient-style effects in the background. You've got a great style man, it's a shame you're not getting more attention. Keep at it dude.
Yea man more people should peep my shit it would do them some good haha i got some new shit so check that out dude!
Splendid beat
this definitely releives my stress by listening to this track seriously, i don't know how you do it, but man you did an magnificent job putting this piece very nice. I give u 10 stars for that.
Thanks dudster glad that your diggin it :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.