The only thing i think would make it amazing is if you made the part at 0:30 that melody part i guess, if that had a bass behind it doing the same thing or harmonizing it.
As Quiet Corpse continues working on his next unofficial EP, [working title] "1408," he creates a song called "Everyone Dies," which he feels is his best work to date. You be the judge!
Any constructive criticism is welcome!
If any of you have a question on my effects and such, I'd be more than happy to tell you or link you whatever necessary. I use FL Studio 8. All instruments and effects used are built-in, I do not have external plugins installed. Some instruments are very customized and I use many filters (I am especially a fan of limiters as of late).
Recent focuses:
Proper mastering
"Rub the Crystal Lip" as my wobble
The only thing i think would make it amazing is if you made the part at 0:30 that melody part i guess, if that had a bass behind it doing the same thing or harmonizing it.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but thank you for the score!
I think you mean to have the wobble (WRRWW WRRRWWWW! thing) doing the same thing as the chasse (Biddlediddlediddlediddle thing)? If so, they are technically hitting the same notes. xD
Edit: OH, NO, I GET IT! Yes. I actually made a bass part and forgot about it. xD
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.