Lol, awesome. Although I'm still trying to figure out what he's saying. XD
I like to smoke marijuana
It keep me a ______ , medication (this is the line I'm having trouble with)
lol I heard Beardyman singing this in one of his sets and I enjoyed the melody so I recorded it..
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Lol, awesome. Although I'm still trying to figure out what he's saying. XD
I like to smoke marijuana
It keep me a ______ , medication (this is the line I'm having trouble with)
Thanks! Well I figured Beardyman was adding an accent to make it sound more authentic so I did the same.
I'm actually saying:
I like to smoke marihuana,
it "givvuh" me a deep meditation (meaning it gives me a deep meditation ;)
lol I just found the original song on youtube "I love Marijuana" by Linval Thompson. I also made the background melody just with my voice, copying Beardyman.
Man I am enjoying your music like we say down here in Texas YEEEE HAWWWW.
:D haha thanks man! glad you like it
Haha Lol,
This is awesome, the beat sounds very nice and if you could pleease make a full version and add some nice, maybe emotional bass to it :P
thnx, it's awesome :D
greets from the netherlands
hey thanks man :) a bass would be cool, didn't think of that.. well I'll keep it in mind and see what I can do haha
Wow, funny as heck!
And it;s got a nice beat to it! I almost wish this could have been turned into a full song xD
haha thanks man! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.
* Cover / remake of a third-party piece.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.