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Soft Chills

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Hello every one on NewGrounds, you all know who it is. in case you forgot its yeah boy Druid!

How this song here is called "Soft Chills" from the Opus collections ( Opus #13 )

Unlike the other songs in "Project Opus infinite" this is an ambient track.

I know I have not produced an ambient track in ages, so most people who don't know my older work will be surprised by this. I'm not saying it like I'm a master at the genre, but ambient music was one of the first kind of music I use to produce way way back when I first picked up FL.

This song I guess was inspired by the cold chills of this morning, the sun is out but still a chill nips at your face to send soft shivers down ones spine, its relaxing and calm, the birds chirp and you can feel the rejuvenating touch of sun light all over your body.
when you breath you can see your breath escape your lugs to air, then fade to nothing. you close your eyes and nod, as in this moment in time you feel bliss and every thing is all right.

so all i can really say is, Sit back, relax and enjoy the song.

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I'm noticing a trend with a lot of producers on here, the ones who have a narrative for their music tend to be producing at a higher level. It's really refreshing to see a long description about the feel of the piece, I think you've translated what was in your head to music very well. Keep up the good work.

1st track I heard from you was Scarlet Ribbon back in 08. Miss that kind of music you made. Love this track.

Druids-Warcry responds:

You really enjoyed Scarlet Ribbon! I don't hear that often. I'm glad you enjoyed the track and thanks for the feed back.

wooow your doing the ambient now =)

Pretty soothing i'd say if anything my biggest problem with this is the bass because it kinda ruins the ambient feel that you get from the song. However when all the other instruments come in it kind of fixes it. I still say though that bass is a little iffy. All in all its a good song. Started out pretty cool. May need to fix some of the repetitive instrumentation in this too from time to time. Oh and its a little short ^_~. Keep it up doush-rid. (yes i called you a douche again)


Druids-Warcry responds:

Yeah I feel yeah on the Bass line, i was tweaking it to not sound so shitty, but i guess i fucked that up.

Yeah its tad Repetitive but shit EDM usually is. I'm sure i wont revisit this project at all, i mean what ever spark made this song what it tried to be is long gone, im going back to that hip hop HARD ON i have.

Credits & Info

4.66 / 5.00

Mar 15, 2011
10:11 AM EDT
File Info
4.2 MB
1 min 50 sec

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