I like it. Very nice sound. 5/5
Also do you mind if I use it in some of my videos?
2nd track on my album, download the entire 10 track album in HQ here for free (though you can donate):
http://daydreamanatomy.ba ndcamp.com
Album includes more popular NG releases and some I've never released on NG, and about half I never released the final versions on NG.
Any/all comments are welcome and greatly appreciated.
I like it. Very nice sound. 5/5
Also do you mind if I use it in some of my videos?
Go for it, thanks for the review^^
7H15 15 AW350M3
i fails at 1337 langage but its a great song i wish i could favorite it again :P
That's so smooth
Smooth and temtping! YAEH!
My little eardrums love it ! :3
Must have more!
I don't like this genre of music, but this, ITS AWESOME!!!
Moar pls!
Amazing song!
Beauty and dance music intervine together to make this awesome song!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.