Hah, this is pretty spot on a character actually. This also impresses me because it's drastically far off from your other submissions, which indicates awesome vocal range.
I'm taking a point off for a couple things, well of course you did this just for kicks so it's not like you put major effort into it, but anyway, here's my constructive nonsense.
Your mic, I think I already said that in another review though, the quality is actually decent but it's not quite on great. Not much you can do about that.
The words were kinda too fast, as though not enough pause between the lines.
But hah, major points for managing to pull of that whistling on the words, this would be great for some weird kind of character everyone loves to feel uncomfortable watching.
Actually it sounds just like Herbert from Family Guy, the pedophile. Maybe this is an actual quote from him and I failed to realize that. Whatever.
Good stuff man!