This is the Oil Ocean remix I've been dying for :D for it to be all egyptian and stuff that is. It totally fits
LOL, don't even ask. This is just me dicking around trying to make time pass. Once again I did this entirely by memory and didn't listen to the original song once. You know you're out of ideas when...!
This is the Oil Ocean remix I've been dying for :D for it to be all egyptian and stuff that is. It totally fits
^__^ Thanks! I've always loved this piece.
My the things that result from boredom. Quite the unique and interesting piece here I must say.
Just love the beginning. Fell in love with this instantly. Beautiful woodwind sound, and nice bassline as well. The voices are certainly what catch my ear. I can't seem to get enough of them! Excellent cover!
Heehee, why thank you! But yes, one day I was home alone bored and without a car or single thing. After seeing so many fans remastering the old Sonic games and making it look awesome, I was like "Well... I wonder what happens if I remaster a song..." So I camped here for like 3 hours and wrote this! And yes, slap bass for the win. Anyway, glad you liked the result of my boredom! I appreciate it!
~ Mandi
Don't remember what Oil Ocean sounds like, but this is pretty good anyways.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.