2 thumbs up!
I love you and your quintal/quartal stuffz! Super chill and relaxing. Watery too. You might want to play with the string dynamics though.
Oh, and the super verb'ed and delayed piano is awesome.
2 thumbs up!
Just an easy going piece. I stepped outside of my comfort zone a little too. listen and relax.
2 thumbs up!
I love you and your quintal/quartal stuffz! Super chill and relaxing. Watery too. You might want to play with the string dynamics though.
Oh, and the super verb'ed and delayed piano is awesome.
2 thumbs up!
Haha your right! I forgot to do the dynamics lol this ones still mixed to have a voice in it lol
But thanks bro!
You still amaze me
First Judging Philosophy by Abuse, then Joy in the Winds, now this. You are talented.
Hey, if you have time, could you check out my classical sonh .The Aftermath. ?
Hey thank you! sure i'll give my ear to hear.
A real relaxing piece
Yup definitely 5/5 out of me .
Really liked it.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.