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Into the Fire - Viking

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Author Comments

This was the first song i've made, tell me what you think

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mhmm, its got potential

sounds kinda dark, I dont know why. But, I do gotta say, I do wish, as a techno song, that it would have had more kick to it. An perhaps a change of an instrument and melody. After a while, it get a little dry. A nice song, nontheless though :3

Rubber snakes

I have no idea why but the heavy bass makes me think of a rubber snake for some strange reason which in turn reminds me of the Pokemon Ekans. Also the vocals are rather odd. Where did they come from?

The bass is heavy and not too awful bad. The drums are simple and kind of bore me sadly as well. The vocals are just weird and obscure to me sadly as I do not understand the reference either.

Overall, not too bad I guess.

Review Request Club

DjViking responds:

the lyrics are sampled from an independent film called "I am so Proud of you"

pretty cool

pretty cool, the voice seemed off for some reason, i cant figure out exactly what it is though. but i liked it

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Feb 27, 2011
9:38 PM EST
File Info
3.1 MB
1 min 21 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.