very nice
but i am unable to hear the bass without headphones but it is spot on for the rest
This was a real hassle, but fun project. To get the synth that runs from start to finish to sound right, I had to extend the amount of time that each note played for. I also made the synth have an echo sound to it. The bass was a preset from Slayer 2. I made it so that all 3 violins are basically "tied" together and play as 1 chorus. Believe me, it is worth it to listen to the violins. It took me forever to find the sound effects that play in the background. If you vote under 3/5 or 7/10 please leave why in your review. Please enjoy!
Edit: for some reason, I noticed that the only way that I could hear the bass was if I plugged in a pair of my ear buds into the computer. please let me know if you're experiencing the same problem.
very nice
but i am unable to hear the bass without headphones but it is spot on for the rest
Ik dude, it makes me mad that i cant hear the bass without headphones. But, that being said, it is still my best DooM remix up to date.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.