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Twee - Technaw (downtown)

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Previously, I uploaded a unmixed version of the song. To call this a remaster would be wrong. That chorus hit in the middle...

It's pretty short, this one. For the game BeatDaBeat.

UPDATE: I may not be using "The Oppressed Nation" in the Iji 2 Fangame. I've decided to record 3 extra credits songs, and two extra emergency songs if they are needed. Industrial = zone I should stay away from.

Comments, anyone?

And if you downrate, tell me why you hate it so much.

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Amazing work!

How you get your programs to make these sounds, I have no idea! I should check out the games where your music goes; I have no idea what this was written for. Not much to criticize here. The only reason this is a 9 is that there could have been more. Then again, I almost never give the experts 10s either, and these are the people with super fancy million dollar programs.

tweerock responds:

It's for an unfinished game called BeatDaBeat, and I've heard back from the producers, but I've yet to see a demo :/

Thanks a lot, I always like getting anything around 7-9 as long as there's constructive criticism so I know there's room to improve (there always is).

Also, I've done some research, the equipment of fancy producers should at max be around $50370: software, MIDI keyboards, guitars, big mixing board, computers for recording, drumkits and microphones, not including fees to hire symphonies, bands or studio session instrumentalists :O Crazy stuff.


I actually really enjoyed this. Catchy beat with a catchy tune. Only thing for me is I found it a bit short and rushing, if it were extended I would put it in my favorites furshur(well, depends on the end result, but if its good. :3).

Nice to also be seeing from you again twee. Keep it up, 9/10, 4/5.

tweerock responds:

Hey Technosaur :D

The requestee asked for 1 - 2 minutes. He said: "Fight theme, downtown, techno, much like songs from Ke$ha (I completely ignored that part),"

But really, I have no excuse :p I could have modified it and put it up here, but eh.


Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Feb 19, 2011
8:41 PM EST
File Info
1.3 MB
1 min 25 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.