I love that song! It's great for action games! Great Job! :)
Here's the song I made for a CD I'm going to pass out to friends.
Feel free to use this!
I love that song! It's great for action games! Great Job! :)
(white broad with a 5 on it )
*slams 5 button* FIVE
gah, must have the cd X0
or atleast this song lol. i love that lil soloish (whatever it was it was awesome) thing. definatly a good soundding melody
Haha well I don't have a CD right now, but send me a message and I'll send you an online copy when I make one.
Pretty cool
I personally don't think it's your best, but there's a lot of good effects, and the solo was amazing as usual. Still really good stuff. The outro was really good too.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.