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|\||_| 8-bit Demo

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A friend of mine was looking for an artist to do some 8-bit stuff for a videogame he's making. He asked if I did any, and an hour and a half later, I presented him with this!

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Classical 8-bit

Very nice my friend i do enjoy listening to 8-bit music very much. Also me and my friend have been designing lots of 8-32 bit characters for are side scroler. We are in need of theme's for each characters. Mostly 8-bit. Lemme know if your interested in makin us some music for are soon to be side scroler fighter =3 (note i just recently made my account but have been on newgrounds for a long time) so just send me a message if yout interested =3

Numi responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^
I just messaged you about working on more for your game.

I love it!

I was wondering if I could use this for a game? I'd give you credits.

Numi responds:

I'd be honored if you used it ^_^

Nice tune

It may just be me, but it kinda sounds like you used samples from Dino Run, especially the noise track.

Numi responds:

I just used some VST's. The drums were in an 8-bit drum VST. I have NO idea where those samples came from, or if they were made by the VST's creator.

TB_Triforce, and TB_Peach, I believe were the VST's.

Why do I feel like I'm playing Megaman...

I haven't heard much good 8-bit stuff on this site, but this is certainly an exception. Way to go!

Numi responds:

Thanks man! I was hoping to get a Megaman-like comment. That's the sort of vibe I wanted to give off! Glad you liked it ^_^

I want this!!

Slowed down, lengthened, added hip-hop feel. Not total 8-bit, but as the main sample.

This would make a deadly beat!! Fact!


Numi responds:

Heh. I suck at keeping any sort of hip-hop feel when that's what I go for D=

I you wanted to, I'd be glad to give you the FLP?

Credits & Info

4.80 / 5.00

Aug 16, 2010
11:41 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
2.1 MB
55 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.