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Author Comments

I chose to slow this one down a bit(120bpm for those who are interested). Enjoy

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You're using hypersaw, or hypersaw heaven.

I could tell that immediately, and that's not good, I'm guilty of using it's default setting too, at least when I was new to this stuff but I think it would've sounded better if you click fx in styrus, and there's 4 delay tabs, i think it'd have been better if you shut the delay off.

Also pads are more ideal for chords, like heaven and I think above clouds 2 are close to the saw sound. There's also a pad called saw, but I don't like it.

Keep at it, the more you plug the better your ear gets, cuz when I listen to some of my old stuff, I immediately think stuff like "how the hell'd that sound good to me? or omg that clap is over powering."

meakoee responds:

Thanks for the feedback. Its Gold saw but they're isn't much difference between that and any of the other saws. I would say don't read into the title so much because I hate coming up with titles. Again thank you for the feed back :)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Jul 29, 2010
12:52 AM EDT
File Info
7.2 MB
4 min 31 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.