and this version doesnt make me want to stab things. just makes me think futuristicaly.
This was a very short project consuming the time between 16:30 - 17:40 GMT on the 8th of February 2010.
Majority of synths created by me (:
This is a 'WORK IN PROGRESS' and so is not the release version. The final version will be released on my youtube channel when it is finished. gem124
As you can see I haven't even added bass yet (:
and this version doesnt make me want to stab things. just makes me think futuristicaly.
nice but....
i can only a few times hear the real un owen was her melody
U.N. Owen was her? has over 5 different melodies and even more counter-melodies.
This is how I remix, get over it. I like spice things up with my own little touch (:
The bits where you couldn't hear the melodies you could hear the counter-melodies and chord structure.
Therefor you epicly failed.
hehehe :D
-Dj O-H ;)
awesome man PLEASE finish it
i loved 1:26
You ever heard U.N. Owen before? If you haven't you wanna go check that and the 'Cool&Create' remix out.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.