its okay
like Cdplay, it needs more bassline and more work. sorry
Well. This is my Crying Soul Remake test :) It is only 23 secs long because I didnt want make a long song and it was a "test". Just from scratch, my friend was listening to Crying soul, so I made own version of it :) Plz rate 5, this is my 2nd good song. :D One good (boink tetris song) is on My other computer, what I dont use so I think it is not coming here. But it is on my video in youtube (search robotragefan1) video name is counter strike noob :D The second song is that. First one is my Megamix Number 1, my first good song. :) Cant find a good pic from my new computer, sry :(
its okay
like Cdplay, it needs more bassline and more work. sorry
! OK !
I agree with the guy below but it also needs some sort of bassline too. I can see you are just starting and by listening to "the end" I can tell you made this on fruity loops ^,^
Yeah. I am starter on techno music. And I made this on FL Studio :P
"Ze end!" Lol
It's actually pretty easy to listen to over and over, but the noise at :10 and :18 seem out of place.
Lol thats Fastdrum Lol :DD
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.