Just GREAT! you can feel a lot of *heart* in this song!
Being specific I really loved the 1:44 part
So I've been sitting on this song for a long time. I originally composed it when I thought I had a female singer. Things fell through. I worked on it a little more, and got the melody and lyrics worked out, but sort of lost steam on the whole thing. It's not finished yet. It's a half-eq'd version of half of the song... I figured I should post this as a "sample" until if I ever finish it. I hope you like it.
This is a dance style song with much more to it than just 4 chords, and a melody. It switches up. If i recall there's between 7-9 different FULL chords used in this song, as opposed to the 4 "power chords" most dance music uses.
Just GREAT! you can feel a lot of *heart* in this song!
Being specific I really loved the 1:44 part
This is great by itself.
The beginning was a little odd. And if you modified the ending a bit, it would work great as a loop.
~Depes Crystalline~
Doves taste like chicken.
As does this song.
Amazing song but whats with the file name?
Nice piano playing, very catchy song.
hmm, shame
well, this has a lot of potential, and i hope to someday hear the full, adn real version of it, until then i can only dream and wait patiently for another of your inspiring tracks to surface.
Thanks for listening! I've had a few ideas with this song since I've posted this version of it, but unfortunately for the most part, this song just remains as the chord progression it has, when I'm dicking around on my acoustic guitar. I suppose a lot of where this song went (nowhere) is due on part to how retarded the situation with the singer I thought I had was.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.