I'm lovin' it man! Definitely feelin' this track!
I Am Tha Hi Fi Vo ta
Re View To Get Me Vo Tin
If Yo A Hi Fi Vo Ta
Join In And Get Ta Vo Tin.
I'm lovin' it man! Definitely feelin' this track!
A Hi Fi Vo Ta is you
Nice loop, love the voice effect. It's got a beat and you can dance to it. *does said dance*
You've been Hi Fi Voted #0000003
haha! catchy dude!
I like it! very unique in a way!
You've been Hi Fi Voted #0000002
A song about voting on the song..... 4/5 8/10's good nuff, right?
You've been Hi Fi Voted #0000001
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.