Just great
Dude i think its awesome how much effort u put in to making a great series and music I Know ur the best machinima maker IN DA WORLD
I made this for a possible title theme for a video series I'm developing. Made using FL Studio and EastWest Quantum Leap: Symphony Orchestra!
Just great
Dude i think its awesome how much effort u put in to making a great series and music I Know ur the best machinima maker IN DA WORLD
Wait what?
JonCJG? You're the guy that makes Arby n the Chief on Machinima.com arent you? Either way, nice song man, I like it. I can definately see the military feel there. You should remix the main menu song of Combat Arms, I bet you'd do awesome.
Great :D
only thing i don't care for is the violin scratching. otherwise a very well done project :0
I like this one
Sounds a bit like someone is barely able to move and watching his friends or his team die. A bit like the ending of CoD4 except you've known the characters much longer so its more emotional, for example when playing MGS4 when I thought snake died it was really depressing cause he is my favourite game character.
this is really nice. keep up the good work.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.