Okay so here's my new RG7321. It's a lovely beast but it needs restringing, so it shall sound slightly better than this in the end.
First of all, tuning. If this was a real tuning, it would be Drop G#. However, at this point in time my 4-string bass becomes an issue. Because of this, I'm thinking of sticking to Drop A from now on (my bass can just about go that low without it being considered cruelty by the RSPCA).
Second, new tone. There's more gain. I had to have more gain in order for the guitar to sound powerful enough. I don't like this much gain though. Everything sounds all fizzy. I'll have to seriously contemplate that one.
Oh and don't judge me on the performance of this, it was a one-take-per-track thing.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.