Too Sweet!
Nice work man.I thought it had a rough beginning but it really started to flow in the middle.And from then on it was just hitting.Keep it up! ey
Remove the spaces.
A kid at my school has requested that I upload some of his works on newgrounds, so here it goes!
Review please.
Also, check out "My Plane", it is an excellent piece.
Too Sweet!
Nice work man.I thought it had a rough beginning but it really started to flow in the middle.And from then on it was just hitting.Keep it up!
This is Awesome the audio is great.
I thought the drums that came in around 1:00 made it kinda messy though.
Can't find anything else wrong with it though! 10/10 5/5
Thank you!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.