i love the intro :]
but some how the main lead ruins it for me :S try somethin more sawy.... :]
the piano scroe is good :]
but when u mix it up with the rest it dosent fit well :S
but its my point of view :P lolz
u remmeber me right? x]
u gave me thut awesome review =D lolz so i wanted 2 review u back ^^
it overal this an 8...the track aint bad at all :D
thoes hi pitched slowdowns or whut u call it... are kinda painfull :S
keep it up dude ^^
if u want me 2 review any more song orany 1 in particular msg me ^^
btw can u review this 1? =D
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/308128
thx peace out :D